10 Worst Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts
When you take a stroll through your favorite grocery store, you’ll find shelves full of items that claim to be healthier for you. The packaging may say things like “No added sugars”, “Low-fat”, “Less Calories” and the like, but if your goal is to lose weight, this type of product can be incredibly misleading and ultimately counterproductive.
You may think that a product on a shelf is made of harmless and healthy ingredients, but you may be wrong! Many products are full of added sugars, additives, and other ingredients that can easily ruin your weight loss efforts. Common culprits include natural fructose, MSG, excessive salt, high glycemic index sugar substitutes, and high carb foods. While salt and carbs are essential for energy and overall health, it's important to make sure you're getting them from the right sources and in moderation.
Despite claims to the contrary, it has been clearly established by leading health, dietary, and medical professionals that it is not the amount of fat and calories consumed that cause us to gain weight and increase our BMI. In reality, the cause of unwanted weight gain is a lack of physical activity and an overconsumption of sugars and carbohydrates that are converted into sugar in the body, leading to an accumulation of fat.
It goes without saying, but for maximum weight loss success, it's best to steer clear of these ten diet-sabotaging foods. Let's make sure to limit or avoid them altogether!

Alcohol And Breakfast Cereal
Beer can be a major contributor to weight gain, as well as a range of other serious health issues. It packs a ton of unhealthy carbs, and can make it harder to resist overeating. If you must indulge, choose one shot of liquor on the rocks or club soda instead, for a lighter option.
Not only does breakfast cereal contain an abundance of carbs and added sugars, it's sadly lacking in nutritional value too.
Energy Bars And Rice Cakes
These scrumptious treats to go may contain some nutritional benefits, but be aware: they're often loaded with added sugar or unhealthy sugar substitutes.
Be careful when choosing health bars with extra fiber! While the extra fiber might sound beneficial, consuming too much can lead to uncomfortable side effects such as gas, bloating, and constipation. To avoid these issues, try not to buy bars that have more than 7 grams of fiber per serving, as well as any with added sugars or sugar alcohols. Be sure to drink plenty of water after consuming health bars with added fiber for the best results.
Rice cakes may be delicious and convenient, but they don't provide much in the way of nutrition. On top of that, they're so light and airy that it's easy to eat too much of them. To make your grab-and-go snack more balanced, why not add some healthy fats or protein? Nut butter, cottage cheese, and avocado all make excellent accompaniments to a rice cake, and will help to keep you full and satisfied.
Sugary Drinks And Diet Drinks
You may think adding a glass of fruit juice, a teaspoon of sugar and some cream to your coffee is no big deal, but those seemingly insignificant amounts of sugar and carbs can quickly and easily add up when combined with all of the other food and snacks you consume during the day.
Beware of the hidden sugar and carbs in drinks you might think are good for you, like fruit shakes, smoothies and energy drinks. Reading the nutrition label is a must if you’re buying a bottled beverage. When visiting your favorite coffee shop or cafe, why not try cutting back on added sugar by asking for just a teaspoon of brown sugar or skipping the whipped cream topping - or both?
Are you considering reaching for that can of Diet Coke or Diet Sprite? Think again! Studies have linked diet drinks and their artificial sweeteners to weight gain, neurological problems, obesity, higher mortality rates and more. Instead, opt for sugar-free sparkling water or a glass of very low-fructose fruit juice as an occasional treat. Your body will thank you!
Frozen Convenience Dinners And Fast Food
It's easy to be fooled by the eye-catching labels of "low fat," "organic," and "weight smart" meals in the freezer aisle. But don't be fooled! If you take a closer look, you'll see that these products are loaded with sodium, sugar and unrecognizable ingredients, making them a far cry from the healthy options they promise to be. Highly processed foods can lead to water retention, diabetes, weight gain and more. So if it looks too processed to be good for you, it's best to just leave it on the shelf.
Once you take a closer look at fast food, you may be surprised by what's really in it. From the way it's kept and cooked to the shocking amount of sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fats, it's no wonder that fast-food options offer very little in the way of nutrition. Not only can it lead to weight gain and obesity, but it can also cause a host of long-term health problems. It might be time to make a wiser food choice.
Flavored Yogurt And Processed Salad Dressings
Yogurt can make a delicious and nutritious snack - just make sure to check the ingredients list for added sugar. A lot of flavored yogurts have more sugar than cookies, chocolate, and even candy bars! To get the most out of your yogurt, opt for plain Greek or Icelandic varieties. They have more protein and fewer carbs, so you can indulge without the guilt! If you're craving something a little sweeter, try mixing in low-glycemic fruits like blueberries or strawberries.
Beware of those crafty salad dressings! They can be loaded with sugar and sodium, so keep an eye out.
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